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In high-power RF applications, Gallium Nitride (GaN) amplifiers have become one of the most progressive technologies ever developed. This blog will explore the performance of GaN amplifiers, the benefits of the new generation of amplifiers over previous ones, and Elite RF’s advanced high-power solid-state RF amplifiers.

Gallium Nitride (GaN) Amplifiers: Exposing Unmatched Efficiency

The efficiency of GaN amplifiers is the key advantage of these devices, which is due to the wide band gap semiconductor characteristics of the material. GaN’s high thermal conductivity and breakdown voltage open the door to high power densities and efficiency, making it a top pick for high-power RF applications.

Using GaN amplifiers is beneficial to clients in that they will not only be able to handle more power but will also consume less energy, thus improving the power added efficiency (PAE) of the systems. PAE is defined as the ratio of output RF power and the input DC power of the amplifier system. Higher the PAE, lower the energy losses in form of heat, and higher RF energy output.

Unparalleled Power Handling Capabilities

Another feature that is unique to GaN amplifiers is their ability to amplify low power signals to high-power signals while maintaining the signal characteristics. As an example, one of the many Elite RF’s high-power RF amplifiers deliver impressive 100W of output power across the 500MHz-2700MHz frequency band for 0dBm input signal. Elite RF has a strong portfolio of off-the-shelf RF amplifiers covering lower RF power to higher power up to 10 kilowatts. With efficient power combining techniques, Elite RF can use GaN transistors to output 100 kilowatts in high-power systems.

This makes the high-power density and performance of GaN amplifiers the best solution for applications that need high power in a small package.

Improving Performance in High-Frequency Use

In the area of high-frequency applications, GaN amplifiers are thought to be the best performers in the market. Broadband RF power amplifiers from Elite RF are designed with precision for CW/pulsed signals and are ideal for communications, military and commercial use. While many of the RF amplifier companies offer amplifiers below 6GHz, Elite RF’s engineers design amplifiers for higher frequencies like K-band and Ka-band applications.

These amplifiers are characterized by high power density, low thermal resistance, and wideband performance, which makes them highly recommended high-frequency power amplifiers for customers who need to have consistent RF power for numerous applications of different frequency.

Elite RF’s Advanced RF Power Amplifier Design

Elite RF is ready to bring the next level of Class AB linear RF power amplifier design. GaN’s wide band gap semiconductor properties give their amplifiers high thermal conductivity and breakdown voltage, opening up a new generation of high-power density and improved operations. Using GaN RF power amplifiers introduces many benefits over previous technologies like MOSFETs.

These amplifiers offer reliability, longer service life, higher power-to-size ratios, and high efficiency, placing Elite RF at the front of offering innovative solutions for high-power RF systems.


GaN based RF amplifiers have opened a new chapter in the field of high-power RF applications with increased efficiency, power management, and high-frequency performance. Elite RF’s product list includes high-power RF amplifiers equipped with GaN technology, which proves our company’s dedication to providing only the best solutions for the most challenging RF applications. By using GaN amplifiers, our customers can be confident that they are equipped with the best high-power RF amplification solution that can withstand the demands of today’s RF applications.